109 Carnival Fight! (2)

Urie smirked when he saw an establishment with a broken sign where "Mi or use" was written on it.

"I guess this run down mirror house is the place!" Urie thought as he walked towards the place that he suspected as a mirror house.

"Are you here?" He called out as soon as he stepped at the entrance of the mirror house.

"Ding ding ding ding! You got it right! Come in and let's have fun!" The voice said, followed by their signature creepy laughter.

"Why do I have to fight these annoying things!" Urie sighed as he entered the establishment and saw that his guess was right. It was a rundown mirror house.

The place was filled with broken and cracked mirrors. He looked around as he kept on catching glimpses of the silhouette running around through the broken mirrors.

"Come on! Come closer!" The voice said as Urie vigilantly moved in the house of mirrors while being on guard of the monster lurking around.