121 Teasing

"Are you sure that the dungeon appeared at the same place where the quest that you four received was done?" Monsieur asked as the three looked at each other and nodded.

"There's no place that fits the description! That's the only place! Two deities fighting against each other recently ended! That's the fight between Sharla and Putragis!" Urie said as the other two looked at him with puzzled expression.

"Wait, it's over? I thought we only pushed it further back?" White Maple asked.

"Well, we pushed it back, but when I claimed the town, I accidentally stumbled upon the Land of Nightmares where Putragis or originally known as Culla, lives and defeated it!" Urie said as he looked at them meaningfully. The people already guessed what he meant. It was the place where he got the materials he used to make those items where people bid furiously.