125 The Ending of the Fight

The guy held a sphere in his hand as he smirked at Xeno.

"And what the hell is that thing now?" Xeno asked.

"The thing that could destroy you!" The guy said as he took out a card. The card transformed and turned into a bunny with a fiery red body and the tip of its ears, nails, and buck teeth were frozen solid.

"A dual elemental beast! What's more, it has the opposite elements! That's a rare one!" The lady exclaimed as she carefully looked at the battle that was about to happen.

"Really? Dual elemental that has the exact opposite element is a rare beast?" Urie asked.

"You're really clueless, aren't you?" The lady asked.

"Why? Are they that extremely rare, like an Epic beast?" Urie asked.

"If you're going to ask me, they are as rare as an Epic beast!" The lady exclaimed that she even stood up abruptly.

Because of her actions, something moved inside the guy's jacket and the lady quickly noticed it.