138 The Solution

"I didn't mean the Android God! What I mean is the throne itself! It ran out of power!" Arie said as he immediately hopped off the Android God and the bat caught him, safely bringing him back to the ground before turning back into its card form.

"The throne? Then how is it that the Android God couldn't stand up? Isn't it supposed to be the opposite?" Maple asked.

"Yeah! Since the power ran out, the chair wouldn't restrict it from moving!" Rebecca agreed.

"Well, we won't know unless we checked out what connected the throne from these wires, right?" Arie said as he glanced at the wall towards the end of the crack which extended beyond the wall.

"Android God! Are you there? I have one last question for you and we might solve your problem!" Arie shouted.

The Android God opened its eyes and looked once again at Arie.

"Is there any way to access what's beyond this wall? I think the problem lies beyond this wall!" Arie said.