159 Mine Shaft

"This whole valley is one big mine shaft, and they found three entrances inside!" Urie said.

"What should we do?" Blue asked.

"We don't know the dangers of the mines yet, though I have a plan!" Urie said as he took out 4 cards and summoned the beasts depicted on the card.

The cards were Pink, Green, Blue, and the King Slimes.

"Let's go to the center most entrance and let the other slimes go to the other entrances! Let's see if it's a large mine or a series of mines!" Urie said as the slimes went in different directions where the other sparkling things were seen.

They looked at the slimes as they bounced towards the direction they were pointed at while Urie, Monsieur, Blue, and the Slime King went towards the center entrance.

When they reached a cliff side, they saw Boku standing at the side of the cliff as it looked at them and pointed at the wall in front of them.