We'll definitely meet again

Hecathe lifted his head to look at the man and suddenly faked a smile, "Well, it was nice meeting you, and thank you for saving me. I won't forget your kindness. When I get back home, I'll call my secretary and make sure that you will be remunerated humbly."

The man tilted his head in confusion as he simply stood there and watched Hecathe get ready to sneak away from here.

Hecathe looked around at the bloody battlefield and he was instantly stunned. He never knew there were people like this in the world and he never knew that there were guns that could spit fire and ice. The more he watched the fight. The more confused and amazed he got.

"What the hell is going on...?!" He was shocked to see everyone fighting so ruthlessly.

Nobody cared for anyone's life. They all attacked each other as if their only motive was to kill the other. They showed no mercy before crushing and burning their opponents to death.

Hecathe gulped as he came to the conclusion that running away from here as fast as possible was perhaps the best solution for him to not entangle his name in this mess.

He took to his feet and got ready to run away, but suddenly felt the man grab his arm with force and hold him back.

Hecathe furrowed his eyebrows as he looked back at the man and questioned, "What are you doing?"

The man didn't let go of his arm as he asked, his voice clearly sounding concerned, "Where are you going?"

Hecathe frowned as he heard this. He grabbed the man's hand and forcefully jerked it away as he responded, "Don't touch me."

The man looked to be a bit taken back and scared as he heard this. He immediately let go and lightly bowed his head apologetically as he spoke up, his voice seeming to panic, "I'm sorry, Captain. Please excuse my rudeness."

Hecathe's pupils contracted but he said nothing.

The man thought that Hecathe was either disgusted or offended by him suddenly grabbing Hecathe's arm like that, but in reality, the reason why Hecathe had rudely ordered him to not touch him was because it physically hurt his arm to be squeezed by someone wearing a heavy mecha suit.

It was made out of metal and the man didn't even hold back his strength so of course, it was only natural that Hecathe felt his arm aching!

The man apologized again and again which made Hecathe soon grow a bit annoyed as he held up his hand and gestured for the man to stop, "Say sorry one more time and I'll be forced to forget the favor I owe you."

The man gulped and nodded as he decided to shut his mouth up for good.

Hecathe sighed as he looked at all the people fighting and dying.

He wanted to get out of here as soon as possible, but for some reason, his lips curled up slightly as he muttered, "I guess I have one last thing to do before I run away."

"Huh?" The man questioned, but got no response.

With calm strides, Hecathe walked towards Marvin and called out to him, "Hey!"

Marvin turned around in confusion immediately, but just as he did, his face was met with a strong punch.

Hecathe had used most of his strength in that one punch so it was only natural that Marvin was thrown back and stumbled to the floor.

Hecathe smirked in satisfaction as he commented, "I've been waiting to do that."

Marvin gritted his teeth as he immediately picked himself up from the ground and punched back, but his fist was caught by the man who had saved Hecathe.

Hecathe chuckled as he saw this, "I'll be taking my leave then."

He looked at Marvin one last time as he added, "I'm not done with you yet, boy. I should thoroughly teach you a lesson not to mess with the wrong person."

Marvin gritted his teeth as he glared at Hecathe, who immediately turned around and got ready to sneak out of this place.

"Alphius! We'll meet again! To think that this is how you repay my kindness..." Hecathe could hear Marvin yell out behind him and he smirked in satisfaction as he heard this, "The next time we meet, I'll make sure that there won't be a third time!"

Hecathe couldn't help but mutter in satisfaction, "The next time we meet would be in court and there's no way I'll visit you in jail so you can rest assured that there won't be a third time."

Hecathe was almost out of the battlefield, however, just when he thought he had seen it all, out of nowhere, something heavy dropped in front of him. Hecathe faltered back a few steps as his eyes went wide and his mouth muttered a curse that couldn't even be heard due to the sound of the crash subduing his voice completely.

The heavy thing that fell in front of him was a stone, or to be more exact, it was a boulder. Hecathe was shocked to see that the boulder was on fire and when he reluctantly let his eyes trace its projectile, he couldn't help but be shocked even more.

It was thrown by a man... A single man dressed in the same black mecha suit as the man who had saved him!

A single man managed to lift up such a heavy burning boulder and threw it!

The boulder wasn't supposed to be aimed at Hecathe but this didn't stop Hecathe from feeling a bit intimidated.

These people.... Not only were they all crazy, but they were all abnormal!! Too abnormal!!

For a second, Hecathe wondered if they all had Zelium injected into their blood or something.

There was certainly such a case that he had heard about before this. Someone extracted Zelium from a product Hecathe's company sold and injected it into their blood thinking that it could be used as some sort of drug. It surely worked like a drug. It made the person lose his sleep and made him excited enough to run a whole marathon fully energetic till the finish line, however, that person soon died as well. In the end, he did win a marathon medal before dying though.

There was a reason why Zelium was not a drug. Sure, it might give you the same effects as a really great drug, however, if you took normal drugs you would have a chance of survival, however, if you used Zelium as a drug, you'll have zero chances of surviving. Twenty-four hours was the most. You won't be able to live any longer than that.

Hecathe gulped in worry as he looked at the man who had thrown the boulder.

The man must have noticed Hecathe staring at him so he immediately bowed his head and apologized, "I'm sorry, Captain!"

Hecathe frowned in confusion as he reluctantly nodded his head once and didn't bother saying anything more.

The man turned his head and continued to fight against his opponent who was just as strong as him.

Hecathe tilted his head before shaking it and coming to the conclusion that the boulder was probably fake.

It was burning... Boulders do not burn, do they?

It must be made out of Styrofoam!


Too weird...

Even if it was a fake boulder, this situation was a bit too unnatural for Hecathe.

This place was no good!

This was definitely some weird demonic cult!

He tried to run away once more, but he was interrupted yet again.

He suddenly felt himself getting lifted up by his back collar. Hecathe bit his tongue due to the shock and was immediately hit with the pain. Damn it! He no longer even knew what part of his body hurt more.

Is it even legal to be this unlucky?!

This was definitely not normal!

Was God trying to take revenge on him or something? Or had he used up all his luck in this lifetime so now he was being hit with all the misfortunes?!

Hecathe snapped his head to look at the person that had lifted him up from the ground.

It was a black mecha-suited man who was much taller and bigger than him in size. So big that he managed to immediately intimidate Hecathe.

"Umm... Can you... Let me down...?" Hecathe sounded a bit polite as he gulped.

The man looked at Hecathe's face for a solid minute before lifting him more and placing Hecathe on his shoulder, "Don't worry, Captain! I'll definitely get you out of here!"

Hecathe took a sharp breath in as the words slowly registered in his mind.

"Umm... Is that so? " Hecathe muttered thoughtlessly, "Then please take me to the nearest police station."

The man nodded his big head that was covered with his helmet, "I'll get you back to the station!"

Hecathe was confused with what was happening, but he was not stupid. If this madman wanted to personally escort him to the police station, why the hell would Hecathe say no?!