Chicken sandwich

Hecathe sighed as he picked himself up, "Let's just get breakfast and figure out my purpose later."

With this plan in mind, Hecathe made his way to the bathroom and got freshened up before taking out some presentable clothes from the closet and getting dressed as he headed for the elevator.

He buttoned up his shirt inside the elevator and looked at his reflection on the metallic door of the elevator that wasn't a mirror but it could still reflect a blurry image of oneself.

He couldn't help but sigh as he wondered why he hadn't noticed it before. It was clear that this body didn't belong to him but it took him so damn long to realize this obvious fact.

The original Hecathe had a better build and height. If someone called him narcissistic, he would probably agree to it because according to him, although Alphius was quite a handsome man, he was still no match to the original Hecathe who had a much more mature and eye-catching face.

The elevator was quite fast and as soon the doors opened on the ground floor, he was once again greeted by a line of people bowing their heads in respect.


"Good morning, Captain!"

"I hope you had a good sleep, Captain!"

Good sleep? He almost wanted to laugh as he heard that.

He hardly had any sleep at all...!

He was too busy gathering information and figuring out what his purpose of being here was!

The woman who looked like his office worker was also in the line of people that greeted him.

She lifted her head with a warm smile, "Captain, have a great day!"

"You... What's your name?" Hecathe asked.

It was probably the first time in his life that he was directly asking for someone's name like this.

According to him, everyone he met wasn't worthy enough to get their names remembered by him, but right now, the situation was quite different and hence, he had to ask for her name.

By asking her name, he wanted to check something.

"Captain...?" The girl clearly looked to be taken back by the sudden question.

"It's Xanie!" She answered enthusiastically after a minute of shock.

"I knew it," Hecathe mumbled as he heard her.

He couldn't remember exactly what the girl from his office was called, but he had certainly heard her name once or twice, and because of how unique the name was, although he didn't bother remembering it, he was still able to recognize it if it was said again.

Xanie... They both had the same name.

"Do you remember the woman who came up to my room yesterday?" Hecathe questioned with an expression that looked to be curious and at the same time, he also managed to look unbothered.

The girl seemed to ponder over the question for a bit before she reluctantly asked, "Captain, do you mean Zather?"

"Oh..." Hecathe didn't know if he was supposed to laugh or cry as he heard this.

The girl tilted her head as she waited for a response but it didn't look like Hecathe was going to say anything more.

Hecathe was busy wondering how Azazel would feel if he learned that in this world, he was really a woman.

Zather was also the real name of Azazel but there were only a handful of people who knew it. Hecathe just so happened to be one of them who knew his real name but still preferred to call him Azazel purely because that was the name the man liked to be referred with.

Azazel would probably choke on his morning coffee if he heard that he was a woman with big breasts in this world.


Hecathe suddenly sighed as he realized that he won't ever be able to tell the man that he was a woman in this parallel world.

He was already dead in his real world.

Hecathe, the Zelium legend was taken down by a goddamn truck...!

It was still a bit hard to believe and sounded utterly ridiculous for Hecathe who was clearly breathing and walking just fine.

"Captain?" Xanie snapped him out of his thoughts, "Is there something wrong?"

Hecathe shook his head with a naturally grumpy-looking expression as he asked, "Where's the breakfast?"

Xanie gulped and her eyes widened slightly as she realized that she had almost forgotten about that, "Follow me, Captain!"

Hecathe nodded as he waited for the woman to lead him to the dining room which he had already been to before this.

Once again, Hecathe sat at the head of the table with a plate filled with pancakes placed in front of him. He frowned as he looked at the people standing around the side with their heads hung low in respect and a bit of fear.

He couldn't help but wonder if everyone here was afraid of the original Alphius. From the diary he had read, it was clear that Alphius was looked down upon and feared by all ability users, however, according to it, Alphius was also treated with genuine respect and admiration by all Mecha-suits.

He was supposed to be respected and admired so how come he felt that they all feared him?

To be feared like this, just what type of man was Alphius and why the hell did he believe that these fearful gazes were actually respect and admiration...?

Hecathe cleared his throat as he turned his head to look at the girl who stood beside his chair, "Xanie, I don't like pancakes."

Xanie gulped as she lifted her head and glanced at the plate of pancakes before turning to look at Hecathe, "You don't...?"

Hecathe's eyes narrowed down at her, looking unamused as he nodded his head, "Get me a chicken sandwich instead."

"A c-chicken sandwich?" The girl stuttered and cold sweat seemed to form on her forehead, "Where am I supposed to find a chicken... Sandwich...?"

Hecathe sighed as he stayed calm and asked back, "Why would you ask me? I have a habit of eating a chicken sandwich for breakfast so get me one."

Xanie gulped as she shook her head, "Captain, you don't have such a habit. You always eat pancakes."

Hecathe pursed his lips and in the next moment, he raised his voice a little, "I said I have a habit! It starts from today so get me a chicken sandwich!"

Xanie shivered in fear as she heard him and immediately bowed a few times before running away to get him what he wanted.

Hecathe pushed the plate of pancakes away and picked up the glass of water.

As he drank the water, he wondered how convenient it was to be transmigrated as the villain.

If he had been transmigrated as the hero instead, he would have had to act nice and stupidly apathetic all the time.

Because he was inside the body of Alphius, a man who was destined to be the villain, Hecathe could act as rude or arrogant as he wanted and no one would ever be able to say anything or point at him accusingly.

Hecathe almost wanted to laugh as he thought back to a wish he had as a child.

When he was a kid, he never liked the heroes. He connected more with the villains but when the villains lost to the heroes, he was always unsatisfied with the story.

He couldn't help but feel that God probably had a sick sense of humor considering the fact that he really took Hecathe's wish too seriously and transmigrated him as a villain who had not been killed yet.

"Yet..." Hecathe muttered out in a volume that was hardly audible for anyone else.


Hecathe had no idea what this storyline was. All he knew was the past, and that too, due to the diary that had been written by the villain...

If this world had an ending, would the villain of the story not die...?!

"Damn it!" Hecathe cursed as his eyes widened in panic when he suddenly guessed his future ahead.

"I don't care if you're Alphius or not! Your body had committed too many sins and hence, with the blessings of the three willows of spring, I'll now be honored to end you!" It would probably be Marvin who'll kill him with his own hands.

Hecathe already had a near-death experience with that man aiming his gun and shooting at Hecathe's shoulder.

If Marvin were to continue to hunt Hecathe down, who was to say that the next time, he won't succeed in killing Hecathe?!

"Captain, is there something wrong...?" One of the men who stood by the side mustered up the courage to ask the man who looked to be having an unknown crisis.

"Everything is wrong!" Hecathe replied anxiously.

He had already died once! He had no ambition to taste death again!!

The man, who had asked, flinched as he heard the angry response, "C-captain, your chicken sandwich will be here soon! Please don't stress over it! If the cooks can't find a chicken, they'll surely cut some other meat and make a sandwich for you. You don't need to worry!"

Hecathe clicked his tongue in annoyance as he turned to face the man, "If they can't find a chicken, why don't you go and volunteer to replace the chicken?"

The man seemed to have taken it too seriously as he gulped in fear and immediately fell to the floor, "Captain, you must not eat a human!"


Dumb man whose name I don't know, I have no interest in becoming a cannibal!