Emergency passages

"Look, don't ask too many questions. I don't like people who ask too many questions," Hecathe snapped.

"Yes, Captain," She gulped in worry.

"Now let's find a way to get me out of here without letting anyone else find out, okay?" Hecathe smiled but there was no joy evident in that smile.

"Captain, why not try the emergency passages?" Xanie questioned as she tilted her head.

"The emergency passages?" Hecathe repeated and Xanie nodded her head.

"The emergency passages should also be connected to your room, right?" Xanie asked.

"I have no idea," Hecathe answered honestly.

Xanie sighed, "Captain, you built the emergency passage to help everyone get out of here in case of a dangerous situation, don't you remember?"

Hecathe frowned as he replied, "I know what an emergency passage is. Are you sure that it's hundred percent safe for me to get out of here using that?"

Xanie nodded her head without any hesitation as she answered, "The emergency passage has never been used before. Not many people would want to casually crawl through that dark hole so it should be the safest way for you to escape."

"That sounds great!" Hecathe exclaimed, "Where does this emergency passage lead to?"

Xanie seemed to be thinking about it deeply and after a minute, she finally answered, "There are a lot of places the tunnel can lead you to but I think I'll be able to find a map for you. One of the exits takes you directly to the city of Ocasia. It's the direct neighbor of Zeblor. Completely safe for you."

"And there is a map to help me find this exit?" Hecathe questioned.

Xanie bobbed her head up and down as she answered, "I can find the map for you but you need to give me some time."

"How much time do you need?"

"Just today should be more than enough. Before the clock strikes twelve, I'll be in front of you with the map of the emergency passages."

Hecathe smiled as he heard this and Xanie couldn't help but feel that his smile looked rather wicked.

"That sounds good. You can have the entire day to find that map. Midnight, I get out of here and clear my name," Hecathe spoke up.

"Clear your name?" Xanie looked to be a little confused as she asked.

Hecathe gulped as he cursed his slip of the tongue in his mind, "Clear my name as in getting rid of this guilt that has being holding me down. I want to turn a new leaf in life and do something I truly love and enjoy. Saving myself from the mystery of being trapped within my own creations and doings."


Xanie looked pretty convinced and Hecathe almost wanted to sigh in relief.

"Now get out of here and find me that map," Hecathe immediately snapped, harshly ordering the girl who flinched as she heard his deep pressing voice.

"Yes, Captain! You can depend on me!" Xanie announced before turning on her heels and getting on the elevator before she left the place.

After the elevator door had closed and he heard the elevator descending, the smile on his face grew wider as he realized that he had successfully tricked the girl into helping him get out of here.

To think that the girl was so naive that she actually believed Hecathe's bullsh*t? Hecathe almost wanted to laugh at her stupidity but at the same time, he was also glad that she was this naive since this trait of hers was able to help him.

He went to his bedroom and stood in front of a proper mirror. He spun around and tried to take a good look at his new disguise.

Hecathe had never been a fan of cloaks, but somehow, this dark purple cloak and mask seemed to really match him. He couldn't help but agree that he looked both mysterious and common at the same time.

This disguise was especially perfect because such cloaks were already worn by people who were mostly avoided. It would help him in blending in with the others and other people would dare not pick a fight with him casually because of it.

"This looks like a good idea," Hecathe muttered to himself.

He took the cloak and mask off and casually hid them under the bed before making his way to the closet and taking out some more clothes.

Although he was going to wear the cloak the entire time when he gets out, he would still need to pack up some clothes to wear inside the cloak.

Alphius didn't seem like a person with a wild fashion sense. Most of the clothes inside the closet were simple and alike to each other. There were at least twenty or more white shirts that looked almost the same but Hecathe who had a keen eye for differences could clearly tell that all of the white shirts were unique and not to be mistaken for one another.

There were a few black shirts as well but not too many, maybe four or less. Any other color except for white and black was basically nonexistent in this closet.

Unlike the shirts, most of the pants inside this closet not only had the same color but also had almost the same design with just a few pants being different in design from the others. Almost all of them were black in color and there were just two or three grey ones with a single white-colored pant.

"Was he trying to cosplay as a butler or something?" Hecathe immediately cringed as he picked up some of the clothes from the closet and threw them on the bed.

It wasn't hard for him to make a decision on what to choose and what not to choose. Because of such a limited variety of clothing designs and colors, it was quite easy for Hecathe to randomly pick something he didn't absolutely hate.

Except for the shirts and office pants, there were also some casual T-shirts and Hoodies, however, they could be counted with Hecathe's fingers and Hecathe picked all of them just in case he gets tired of wearing the same kind of shirt and pant every day.

The collection of boxers Alphius owned was even easier to choose from than his collection of shirts and pants combined. Everything was the same. The same grey color and the same design and material used. Even Hecathe couldn't tell the difference between them and so he just took a handful and threw it on the bed.

Hecathe couldn't help but want to thank Alphius for being such a simple man. Only because of the man's simple sense of style was Hecathe able to save so much time that could have been wasted on picking out clothes.

After he was done with picking everything out of the closet, he opened the desk beside the bed and took out something that he had found when he was rummaging around.

It was a small button that was black in color and at first glance, Hecathe thought this was some kind of remote for the blinds or something. That was also the reason why he pressed the button. He thought the button was for the blinds and because he wanted to close the blinds, he pressed it.

Only after he had pressed the button did he realize that this thing wasn't made for the blinds.

This was a portable suitcase that was made by Alphius. Hecathe had no idea what kind of technology was used in making this thing, however, it wasn't like he was interested in knowing that either.

As long as it worked perfectly, Hecathe would praise the maker of the product.

To create something so amazing, Alphius was undoubtedly a genius.

If Hecathe had ever met this boy in his real world then he would have most definitely given the boy a job at Zuex.

Hecathe pressed the button and threw the thing on his bed. In the very next second, the small box seemed to grow in size and transformed into a big suitcase.

Without wasting any time, Hecathe opened the suitcase and started packing everything inside the suitcase.

The suitcase had a perfect size and was big enough for Hecathe to fit in everything that he planned to take along with him.

Hecathe also put in some other gadgets he had found lying around with some more things that he thought would be necessary for him. After he was done, he closed the suitcase shut and pressed the button on top of it again.

The suitcase squeezed back into the small box button that could easily fit inside his pocket and Hecathe couldn't help but comment in satisfaction, "Perfect."