The Map

Hecathe was in a comparatively good mood after finding out that the city he had chosen was perfect for him. The only problem he would have would be with the money, but he was sure that he could figure something out.

Alphius was a man who owned an entire underground city and there were so many people working under him. By logic, he should be a rich young man. Since Hecathe was in his body right now, all the money that originally belonged to Alphius now naturally belonged to him. He just needed to figure out where all the money was kept at.

The currency at this place and the currency in Ocasia were the same which was another big sigh of relief for Hecathe. He was sure that he won't have a financial crisis and even if he did, he could still hunt down some mutants and exchange their mutant beads for money.

He was pretty confident that he would be able to use the latter method to earn money and his confidence came from the fact that he was given the body of Alphius, a person who had an ability much different from all others. This ability was both unique and helpful for Hecathe.

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful and he tried to act as normal as possible. He only came down for food and stayed up in his room most of the time, acting as if he was busy researching about something when he was really just looking where Alphius hid all his money.

Disappointingly enough, the only thing that looked like money to him were a few bills that were rolled up and stuck under the man's pillow. Even Hecathe who had no idea how currency worked in this place was able to tell that this was nothing more than just pocket change. There was no way Hecathe would be able to survive on just these.

When the evening came rolling around, Hecathe started growing a bit impatient and he was so worried that he even took two showers because he forgot that he had already taken one just a few hours before. He constantly kept his eyes glued to the elevator door as he waited for Xanie to come but there was no sign of her.

He even went down in search of her but nobody knew where she was which eventually made Hecathe wonder if the woman had betrayed him and ran away.

Well, it wasn't like he paid her for the job or anything so even if she ran away, there was not really anything Hecathe could do.

Hecathe changed his clothes into a black pant and shirt as he decided to wait for the entire night. She had said that she'll be here before the clock strikes twelve so he had to give her that much time.

He kept glancing between the clock and the elevator door. The more time passed, the more anxious he felt but at the end of the day, the girl was able to keep up with her end of the deal.

At near eleven in the night, the elevator door dinged open, and out came the girl who was being desperately awaited for.

"Xanie," Hecathe sighed as he stood up immediately from his comfortable position on the couch.

The girl smiled brightly as she looked to be proud of herself, "Made it just in time, didn't I?"

Hecathe stretched his hand forward and held out his palm facing up as he asked, "Did you get the map?"

Xanie bobbed her head up and down as she answered, "I certainly did. I told you didn't I? You can trust me with anything!"

Hecathe squinted at the girl as he commented, "I don't think you told me that but since you're saying that you did, let's just believe that you're right and my memory is weak."

Xanie took out a folded piece of paper from her pocket and handed it over to Hecathe who had been waiting since morning for this single piece of folded paper.

Hecathe had a small smile on his face as he immediately unfolded the paper and took a look at the contents drawn on it.

With each passing second, the smile on his face started turning into a more apparent frown as he looked at the map that looked to be more of a child's scribbling.

"It's just a plan drawn by hand but it's pretty accurate." Xanie spoke up as she proudly pointed at a certain small box drawn on one corner of the map, "This right here is the entrance that is the nearest to Ocasia. There is a forest in between but I'm sure you can manage to cross it without any difficulties.

Hecathe felt his lips twitch as he snapped, "This looks more like a messy subway map!"

"Eh? Subway?" Xanie looked to be confused as she heard the foreign word.

Hecathe didn't bother listening to her as he kept his eye on the map, "How exactly do I use this thing?"

Xanie pointed at another area that was nearer to the center of the map, "Captain, there is an opening that is directly connected to your room here. You can just enter the passages and use this way to get out through here."

Hecathe didn't know if he wanted to laugh or cry as he heard the girl explain it to him as if it were nothing more than crossing a street.

"How much distance is there approximately between here and there?" Hecathe asked cautiously, pointing at the map.

"Just a few kilometers. Captain, it should be nothing more than a morning jog for you," Xanie answered enthusiastically as she didn't miss the chance to praise and motivate Hecathe.

Hecathe's eyes widened as he heard the shocking distance between the two points. A few kilometers was certainly not something that should be considered a walking distance!!

"Can you be more specific in the distance calculation?" Hecathe asked as his eyebrows creased together in worry.

"I don't know, Captain. I've never used it and I don't know anyone else who had. Only someone who actually goes down there can know the exact distance. You should pack water and food for the way, it would be able to help a lot." Xanie suggested.

Hecathe looked at the map carefully and seemed to be in deep thoughts before he eventually opened his mouth again to ask a question, "Is there any danger down there?"

Xanie shook her head as she replied almost immediately, "You'll be exhausted and if you faint, nobody would go down to look for your body, however, that's it. You might find some rats in there as well but no real danger."

"Alright, I'll go," It was an answer that was more aimed at himself. He was trying to convince himself that he was going to go through with this plan. He had already planned on changing his fate to die as a villain so this had to be something that he would need to do.

Not everything in life comes easy and only a villain with a great mind would be able to trick the whole world and get away with everything. Hecathe had always planned on being a great villain and although he hadn't really done anything that bad, the body he was currently in had already been labeled a villain and hence, it made Hecathe a fake villain as well.

"Captain, that's great!" Xanie encouraged him, "If there is anything I can help you with further, I would definitely not hesitate. You should also be allowed to live your life the way you want too. I wish you all the best and I hope you finally find the peaceful life you are searching for."

Hecathe couldn't help but be a little moved as he heard her. Xanie was certainly a loyal employee who really cared about Alphius despite having feared him so much.

"Just show me the opening of the passage and your work here is done. We'll never meet again, but remember that I would forever be grateful for all your help."

"Captain, it's my duty. If it wasn't for you, my brother would have already been long dead. You probably don't know how many lives you have changed. My brother was born with no abilities and your creations gave him the chance to stand on his own feet. It gave him the courage to fight for justice and for his own rights. You really saved him and this is the only way I'll ever be able to repay you for it," Xanie smiled warmly, her eyes filled with emotions as she thought back to her past.

Hecathe couldn't help but be a little surprised as he heard her.

It seemed that at the end of the day, there were still two sides to a story.

Alphius was at least labeled as a hero by some people...