The ultimate technique

In the end, Hecathe decided to use his ultimate technique.

"Are you doubting me?" His voice sounded cold and piercing as if he was a predator who was angry at his prey

The ultimate technique of bluffing your way out!

The woman gulped and looked to be worried for a second before she eventually broke out laughing, "Sir Hecathe, do not take it like that. You already gave us your name which shows that you are comfortable with sharing your information with us. I just wanted to know what future you have planned in mind. You can rest assured that your information would not be leaked to anyone. We might not have a lavish apartment to offer but our mouths are sewn shut."

Hecathe suddenly felt that this woman was a bit too good with her words and he had been a bit too stupid while interacting with her.

It was certainly stupid of him to give his name to the woman.

Hecathe coughed as he tried to come up with something on the spot, "Then let's just say that I want to roam around and enjoy my youth."

The woman was silent for a minute as she curiously looked at Hecathe as if she was scanning for any lies.

Hecathe's muscles tensed up as he felt a little uneasy about it. This woman was sharp so if she were to seriously find Hecathe suspicious, she would definitely dig up the hidden truth.

The woman suddenly broke out laughing as she asked, "Mr. Hecathe, do you seriously expect me to believe that?"

Hecathe shrugged his shoulder as he lied like a professional, "Believe anything you want. I'm telling you the truth."

"Is that so?" The woman stopped laughing as she rested her chin on her palm, "Then let me ask you another question. This time, you just have to answer with a yes or no."

Hecathe didn't find anything weird with this preposition so he nodded as he replied, "What is it?"

"There are not many travelers coming to visit Ocasia and the ones that come are either here for business or forced by their circumstances. In short, they all have a plan made up before they step foot in Ocasia. They have their future planned ahead of them and they know exactly what they want. Is it the same for you? Are you not telling me why you are here simply because you want to hide it from me or are you not telling me because there is no goal, to begin with?"

Hecathe gulped as he seriously thought about the answer to this question and just when he was about to nod his head and answer with a 'yes' he stopped himself.

A goal?

Did he really have it?

This question had never been a problem for him since Hecathe had always been an ambitious man.

Right now, he came to Ocasia to investigate in secret. His reason for doing so could be considered as his will to live. That was the only thing driving him at this point. He wished to live and in order to live a comfortable life without worrying about his end, he needed to clear the mystery behind Orgon's murder.

He cleared had a goal... but was this the reason why he was sent to this world?

Did he really come here just to clear Alphius's name...?

"Young man, you don't seem so good," The woman sounded to be rather amused, "Is it because I asked you an uncomfortable question."

Hecathe gulped as he remained silent for another minute.

He suddenly remembered his final moments in the real world. He remembered the fresh smell of his new car and he remembered the damned traffic. He remembered picking up his phone that he had left at home... Wait a second...

Hecathe's eyes went wide as he had a sudden realization.

He was sure.

He was definitely sure about it.

That morning, he had definitely left his phone back at his house!

He had forgotten it and couldn't even be reached by his secretary who was calling him!

He couldn't be mistaken about it!

Now that he put all the facts together, he was sure that his phone was left back at his home and since he was the only one with the keys to his car, there was no way someone else sneaked a phone into his car.

"Mr. Hecathe, are you alright?" The woman asked as she leaned in, looking to be a bit worried about the man.

Hecathe immediately stood up from his seat as he exclaimed, "Thank you for your help. I would like to book a room for a month."

Both the woman and Zail looked to be a bit frightened by Hecathe's sudden change in demeanor.

"Huh?" The woman's eyes twitched as she looked back at Hecathe and asked, "Then... Does that mean you found your goal?"

Hecathe took a sharp breath in as he nodded his head, "I'm sure now. Thank you a lot for your help!"

The woman chuckled as she nodded, looking to be quite pleased with it, "Well then, I would naturally be officially welcoming you to our humble apartment. You can pay up first and live here for one month. Would you like to discuss the price first or would you like to sign the rent agreement straight away?"