
It was only the first item of the auction and there was already a bidding war in motion so of course, it was only natural that the auctioneer was delighted with it and his joy couldn't be hidden in his voice as he looked at the one in seat 44 and questioned, "Three million Lenix! Can we hope to see a higher bid?" 

The guest sitting in seat 44 was actually a girl whose age could not be guessed by Hecathe who couldn't clearly see her face that was covered with a half mask. Like everyone else here, it seemed that she also wanted to hide her identity. 

She wore dark black clothes that were body-hugging; a style that showed off all her curves and perfectly defined her body figure. She also came here wearing a fur coat that was grey in colour and looked to be of high quality but she had already taken it off by now and the fur coat casually hung on the seat beside hers.