A sticky person

"What about Raven? Didn't you say he was getting a warm welcome?" Hecathe raised his eyebrows as he asked with suspicion. 

"The warm welcome is naturally over," Kelly shrugged her shoulders as she responded, "Just because he's new, I can't have him slack off doing nothing. He has to work hard if he wants to be accepted by the other members." 

"Did he also agree to this mission?" Hecathe lifted the file as he asked. 

Kelly smiled as she heard this question, "Of course, he agreed to it. I can't force him to take missions. You're the one I paid and not him. I can force you to take mission but if he refuses, there is nothing I can do about it."   

Hecathe frowned as he heard this. This woman was proudly stating that she owned Hecathe at this point, however, Hecathe didn't focus on that too much as he found it harder to believe that Raven had agreed to this mission.