Loose mouths

Hecathe didn't waste any further time as he got out of the house and asked people for directions to the gambling den. 

Just as the name suggested, it was a place where people would usually group together to gamble with their money, betting on their luck without knowing that it wasn't about luck at all. 

When Hecathe reached the place, his face immediately cringed up in dislike as he looked at the group of people huddled together to watch the current gamble. 

Hecathe tried to find the boy that he was looking for and it was only now that he had realized that he had forgotten to ask the old lady for his name. Even the photo he had seen was old and he felt that he would probably not be able to find that boy with just that one childhood picture of him. 

Hecathe sighed as he pushed through the crowd and his eyes glanced at the face of every person present there as he tried to see if there was someone even remotely looking like that kid from the photo.