I'm interested in your...

"Aren't you going to ask me why I was looking for you?" Hecathe asked as he crouched down and looked up to see her face. 

When he saw her face, he was a hundred percent sure that she was terrified of him since she actually looked as if she had seen a ghost. 

"S-sir... I'm really sorry. Please forgive me," The girl apologized once again and Hecathe sighed as he stood up and patted her head. 

"I keep telling you that your 'sorry' is useless to me," Hecathe clicked his tongue as he spoke, "What I am interested in is your powers." 

"Eh...?" It took the girl a whole minute to respond in confusion and shock, but even after repeating Hecathe's words in her mind, she was still unable to understand what he was trying to say.