The underground city was raided

"That's right," Hecathe nodded his head as he confirmed it. 

"Then you want to be my enemy instead?" Raven questioned. 

They had this argument in the morning as well but Raven was not this vocal at that time. Now that the boy had some alcohol in his system, it seemed that there was nothing stopping him from saying anything that came to his mind. 

"I wouldn't go as far as to say that I want you as an enemy," Hecathe responded as he awkwardly scratched the back of his neck, "You're strong and you're abilities are certainly a bit terrifying. Why would I want such a strong enemy? It's not like I'm trying to make things more difficult for myself." 

"The underground city was raided." 

Hecathe took a whole few minutes to process this sudden sentence that had been stated as if it was nothing. 

"What...?" Hecathe muttered in disbelief as his eyes widened ever so slightly in shock, panic, and confusion.