Your mistake

"Now you're here saying you regret it, but your regret and your sorry is not going to bring Alphius back," Hecathe continued with a sigh, "He's gone forever and you'll never be able to get that precious friend back. I heard that you, Alphius, and Hecathe used to stick together since you were kids. A group of three who were joined at the hip..." 

Hecathe scoffed as he added, "It's quite funny to think that after killing the two, you're the only one left behind." 

Marvin frowned as he heard this and this time, the boy decided to defend himself, "I wasn't the one who killed Hecathe! He died because of the mutants! Those damned creatures... If Alphius had wanted, he could have saved him... But he turned his back on Hecathe! If there is anyone responsible for Hecathe's death, it is Alphius!" 

Hecathe couldn't help but feel a little weirded out by hearing his own name, however, he didn't dare let it show on his face.