This was for the best

"Sir, what are you doing...?" LeiLei tilted her head in confusion as she questioned after seeing the man simply sitting there staring at the Dorgon. 

The Dorgon never made any noise when he talked. He would make noise when he growled or roared but never any when he talked and since Hecathe was the only one who could hear the Dorgon's real voice, for everyone else, it looked as if Hecathe was the odd one who kept listening to a creature that wasn't even speaking. 

Hecathe didn't bother giving the girl an answer to her question since the answer was not so simple to say.

How was he supposed to tell her that he was being lectured by the Dorgon...? Wouldn't it make him lose face...?!

Hecathe noted down the time and it took exactly twenty minutes of shouting before the Dorgon finally managed to calm down. 

Once the creature was calm, it almost looked as if he realized how big of a mistake he had made and immediately ran to hide under the bed in fear.