The start of a new rumor?

Hecathe pursed his lips as he heard this question and let out a small dry chuckle as he sent a reply, "It certainly is a bit interesting when you can see the bigger picture."

"I hope you don't want me to spread another rumor," Zather chuckled as she spoke and Hecathe didn't know if he was supposed to laugh or cry as he heard this. 

"How did you know?" Hecathe asked with utmost seriousness and it took Zather a solid few minutes to respond. 

"Are you serious...?!" The woman asked in disbelief. 

"Have you ever seen me joking?"

Zather was once again a bit speechless as she took a few minutes to respond with a simple, 


Hecathe chuckled dryly as he nodded his head and sent her another message, "I want you to spread a rumor that the killer is in Ocasia." 

"The killer? What killer?" 

"The one who killed Orgon," Hecathe clicked his tongue as he replied, "And this time, say that the killer is back to kill Orgon."