Is there something that you are not telling me?

After a few days, the rain finally died down and left behind a city that was flooded.

Everyone stayed at home during the entire time and only when the rain had stopped did people go out to their jobs.

Hecathe also lazed around at home as he limited his time outside and only went out in order to buy food for the Dorgon.

Since some time had passed, the man felt that it was a good idea to move on to his next step and headed to the guild as soon as there was a sunnier day to enjoy.




"What...?!" Kelly frowned as she muttered in disbelief. 

Hecathe had a small smile on his face as he spoke, "Tell the client that Alphius is still in Ocasia." 

Kelly's eyebrows furrowed together as she heard the man repeat his words and she could still not understand what Hecathe was planning. 

"Hecathe, Is there something that you are not telling me?" Kelly asked as she looked at Hecathe with suspicion.