Not answering the question

Hecathe smiled and his eyes formed two crescents as he spoke, "See? If you had simply asked politely, people would have helped you out more easily." 

Although he was smiling, the mecha-suit could feel that there was no joy in his smile and this just made him feel even more intimidated by this man who had easily defeated him. 

"Now, let me ask you a question," Hecathe sighed as he shook his head in disbelief and asked, "Why are you looking for him? He didn't really look like the type who would offend you mecha-suits." 

The mecha-suit gulped as he heard this but just like the previous mecha-suit that Hecathe had to deal with before coming here, this one was also not as willing to answer this question as he kept his mouth shut tight. 

"You don't want to answer me?" Hecathe asked as he calmly tilted his head and the mecha-suit once again said nothing as he kept his mouth shut and simply glared at the man.