All hell had broke loose

It was as if all hell had broken loose. 

The mutants had been waiting just for this sign from Hecathe and now that they were given the permission, the creatures were really not shy at all as they lunged forward at the mecha-suit who was busy fighting Marvin. 

The mutants looked as if they had completely gone crazy and on the way, a few even lost their footing and fell down before being trampled on by other mutants who crawled over them. 

All the mutants could see at the moment was the mecha-suit. They simply cared about nothing else that happened around them. 

LeiLei's eyes widened in surprise as she saw this sight that she had not expected and the girl whistled as she took a few steps back and cleared some space. 

Hecathe also chuckled dryly as he took a few steps forward and pulled Marvin back.