You didn't kill him

"And why would Alphius be the one who killed my father?" 

It was now Hecathe's turn to be shocked and confused. 

"But didn't you say that your father was killed by one of the mecha-suits?" Hecathe gulped as he questioned. 

"So?" LeiLei's eyebrows creased together and she looked at the man as if Hecathe had gone mad, "Just because I said it was a mecha-suit, did you automatically think that Alphius was the one behind it? And how can you lie like that? You're clearly not Alphius cause if you were then you would know that you didn't kill my father." 

Hecathe didn't know if he was supposed to laugh or cry as he heard this but in the end, he did neither as he simply shut his mouth and waited for the girl to continue. 

"Alphius didn't kill my father nor did you," LeiLei stated firmly and it was enough to make both Hecathe and Marvin question whether they had been wrong till now or not.