Why is he so determined?

"I am trying to help because Asgarian might be related to my father. I'm guessing that you want to avenge your father as well and that is why you want to catch Asgarian, but what about him? Why is he so determined about this?" LeiLei asked as she kept her eyes on Hecathe's back. 

Marvin also looked at Hecathe as he heard this question but he couldn't really straightaway answer the girl. 

Why was Hecathe after Asgarian? 

Marvin had asked the man this question before this and back then, Hecathe told him that it was because he wanted to complete the task that Alphius had assigned him. He wanted to avenge Alphius and that was supposedly the reason why he was so determined. 

However, now that Marvin looked at the man's back and thought back to everything that had happened, he could no longer confidently say that the answer given by Hecathe was the truth.