I naturally do not remember

The next day, Hecathe was the first to wake up in the morning and as soon as he woke up, he immediately went to the kitchen and requested the landlady to pack three breakfasts which she agreed to. 

He took the meat from the fridge and went up to feed the Dorgon who was patiently waiting for the food to be served. 

"Master, why are you in such a hurry today?" The Dorgon asked as he looked at Hecathe curiously but Hecathe only smiled and gave him a vague reply. 

"I have to go somewhere for work." 

The Dorgon was a bit confused as he heard this and he clearly wanted to ask a few more questions but before he could say or question anything, Hecathe was already out the door. 

Hecathe first knocked on LeiLei's door and abruptly woke the girl up.

"Get ready! We are leaving in the next ten minutes," He didn't even wait for the door to open as he announced. 

Hecathe then continued to knock on Marvin's door and woke the boy up as well.