Unwelcomed guests

His face couldn't be clearly seen because of the shadows, but Hecathe was still able to tell that the man looked to be completely calm and didn't even flinch as he watched the wall being shattered into bits. 

"Now there's the man we were looking for," Hecathe commented with a small smirk as he straightened his back. 

Marvin didn't bother putting the saber away as he saw this and he simply stood beside Hecathe and waited to see what happens next. 

LeiLei's eyebrows creased together as she saw this and in the very next second, she used her ability to teleport them up to the room. 

"Hello there," Hecathe was the first to greet the man. 

"How polite of you to break the wall just to come over and greet me," The man sarcastically responded as he leaned his head back on the back of the chair. 

The three could finally see the man's face clearly but they were still not able to recognize him.