The wrong twin...?

"A twin brother...?" Marvin repeated with a bit of surprise as he immediately snapped his head towards LeiLei and looked at the girl for confirmation. 

LeiLei's eyes immediately widened as she heard this question and the girl was clearly feeling a little uneasy, however, she still nodded her head as she responded, "I know about that." 

"And you didn't care to tell us?" Hecathe tilted his head as he questioned with an unimpressed expression plastered on his face. 

"It was something that was never meant to be known by you," LeiLei sighed as she looked away and responded. 

"Because your father was supposed to die in the first place since he was Dorka's twin brother...?" Hecathe clicked his tongue as he questioned in disbelief.

LeiLei looked to be a bit offended as she heard this and the girl immediately shouted back, "That's not it! My father wasn't the one who was supposed to die!"