Do you want to tell me the truth now?

When Hecathe and Marvin went back home, LeiLei was already waiting for Hecathe back in his room and he seemed to have already expected this. 

"What? Do you wanna tell me the truth now?" Hecathe questioned with a frown and the girl shook her head as she heard this. 

"Then get out," Hecathe clicked his tongue as he spoke rather coldly and rudely, "I have nothing to discuss with you. I hired you for a job and that will be the only thing that we need to be concerned about." 

LeiLei pursed her lips into a thin line and didn't look to be very happy with Hecathe's reaction. 

The Dorgon who was woken up by the noise looked at the two people in surprise as this was certainly the first time that he was seeing Hecathe seriously being mad at the girl.

Hecathe huffed as he walked over towards his desk and took off his mask and cloak before sitting down. 

"Why are you still here?" The man clicked his tongue as he questioned.