Old man...

Hecathe closed his eyes and took a deep breath in as he shouted at the top of his voice, "Eggy, come out here right this instant!" 


Surprisingly enough, he sounded exactly like a strict father who was ready to reprimand his disobedient child that had run away from home.

The mecha-suit looked to be speechless as he heard this and he clicked his tongue as he got ready to send Hecathe away, however, just as he raised his hand, there came a child's annoyed voice, responding to Hecathe's call. 

"I'm here, stop yapping, old man." 

"..." Hecathe who was suddenly called an old man didn't know if he was supposed to laugh or cry as he saw the little Dorgon approaching him in his human form. 

Hecathe wondered if he was the one crazy for expecting a word of gratitude. Here he was thinking that the Dorgon was in danger but it seemed that the Dorgon had been thoroughly enjoying his life with the mecha-suits.