The day of the execution

The mutants slowly started infiltrating the city with the use of the 'rabbit hole' that had been created by the Dorgon. 

With Hecathe's guidance, they went unnoticed by the guards and grouped together in the building that Hecathe had previously chosen. 

In the span of a single night, more than five hundred mutants had managed to gather together in the building and there were still a lot more waiting to come. 

Marvin had still not contacted Hecathe and Hecathe had also not asked the boy about his progress in Ocasia. 

Everything was slowly moving according to the plan and the next few days seemed to have gone by in a flash. 

Before Hecathe knew it, it was already the day before the grand auction and this was the day when Hecathe had planned to get arrested. 

So far, it seemed that getting arrested was shockingly the easiest thing to do since all Hecathe did was go out without his mask.