Marvin's special ability

"You killed a hero that trusted you," Marvin snapped his eyes open and suddenly, his eyes seemed to be glowing with a golden white blinding light. 

"I am not like him. I am not capable of the forgiveness and mercy that he showed." 

Darius gulped as he heard this and for the first time in his life, he felt intimidated. 

He had really been wrong in comparing the father and son.

Marvin was clearly not like his father. 

He was much stronger than the great Orgon... 

"I am going to kill you!" 

At this moment, Darius realized that the only way he could win against this boy was if he seized the opportunity to attack first, and so, he lifted his fist and tried to punch the boy once again, however, this time, his punch did not land, in fact, it went right through the boy's body. 

Darius' eyes widened as he got shocked at the sudden turn of events.