Assistant Matty

"Burn that witch!"

That was what I was expecting, honestly. However, none of that happened. It seemed that this place, the little town of Eiden, had a good relationship with every circus, traveling show, or any showman giving them a good spectacle. Sigh… these simple people. They needed entertainment with desperation.

They might have thought that I came from some of those traveling troops that like to establish a bit of their life in the periphery of the town. Their purpose was, of course, to give anyone with a desire to stop and see, a good amount of distraction from daily life.

I guess those simple townspeople were even expecting the big announcement of the nearby circus, unfortunately, it was just me this time. Maybe I could give them a bit more shows for more nights.

Thinking again, that would be the easiest way to gain money and stop stealing, with my talent, that would be so easy. Though it won't be that many gold coins at first, I will have to work hard, think more, and wake up earlier, an honest life, so… Nah!

This simple town was, for sure, filled with very forgiving and easy-going people. They made me feel a bit guilty, though, just a little tiny bit guilty.

Yes, I stole from them, just a few coins, not a lot, just what they were carrying with them. Anyway, they were going to waste it on beers and snacks, and women and tips.

Some will end up robbed when they get out from the tavern with their stomachs filled with so much beer that it would be impossible to stand. Some others will never remember what had happened because they were already drunk and snoring on the floor. Who cares about them?

So at the notice of a trickster on the town that gave them a good time and an amazing spectacle before making a move to steal their golden coins, well, they didn't react. At least, that was what the lack of interest of the guards told me, any of the witnesses they interrogated could describe my face with security.

Three portraits, yes, I counted three portraits of very accurate descriptions. The first one, a beautiful blonde with red eyes shining as if they were trying to lure you into another world; the second, a red-haired middle-aged woman with an impressive front and a tiny waist: and finally, my favorite, a picture of what I think it was a man with a wig. How on earth my boobs disappeared that night? That was a trick I hadn't mastered yet.

At the end of the show, I let my steps guide me around the town for a few minutes then I came back to the same tavern I gave the little show, however, I had to enter with a little change on my appearance and my clothes, and definitely, my voice. Now whoever heard me will be amazed at the soft, gentle sound coming from my throat. How can anyone recognize me as the trickster from before? No one could… Heh…

"Little Jane, are you tired?"

The old woman asked me, seeing me almost dragging my tired feet to the stairs. "I am fine, Madame Tate," my sweet smile and the gentle blue eyes of my disguise made the woman, with almost a head full of white, shine with a soft expression.

"I prepared you a bath, my dear," she smiled again gently, "go upstairs and rest."

I nodded and thanked her. What a caring woman, she had been so good to me from the moment I told her the sad life of Jane. "I am an orphan, my adoptive parents almost killed me, please help me hide for some time." The last part was said with a little bag of one hundred gold coins. They couldn't refuse.

Then the old couple running the tavern gave me a little but comfortable room upstairs where I slept comfortably through the night. I wanted so much to rest, it is not easy to, well, got into a new body right after I died, right?

Fortunately, apart from being a bit greedy, the old madame and the old man were good people, good inner keepers, and good friends. Madame Tate took care of me as if I were her own daughter. I didn't have the heart to steal from them when they offered a room with all the commodities, and they didn't raise any questions about me nor my strange disappearances at night.

A few clothes, lots of food, and a proper tube filled with warm water, that was what I got for playing the innocent and young lady in front of her.

Though, I couldn't stay there for much longer. The little chest of golden coins was brimming and threatening to be discovered. Now, I had to move to another place, somewhere quiet and with fewer spying eyes. Somewhere I could start again… Sigh… the good life. A simple and good, peaceful life. Right? That is the reason I got into this body, right?

My first stop was a nearby forest. Beautiful, with tall and fresh vegetation, the air was pure, the flowers were colorful, and the peace was overwhelming.

"This place is perfect," those were my exact words to the man leasing me the small house with a perfect garden and nearby the lake. "Just the best place for the lovely me and for the start of my inventor's spree, hehehe… You will get to see it Matty, the real magical creation of my skillful hands."

"Are you sure, Master? Is this place enough?"

"Yes, of course, little Assistant Matty," the little boy that had followed me from a few days ago became a big help, a great help, in fact, who else will go to buy delicious bread, meat, milk, vegetables, and many other things a lovely girl like me won't know where to choose from.

Our encounter was so fortunate and at the same time not. He chose me, the frail damsel with doe-like eyes and slimy that was walking around the parks of the town. Then as if fate was pulling us together, his little skillful hands tried to rob me… I repeat, he tried to rob the great magician Eli Veil, the one that can be considered the master of the speed of hands. Not for anything, magician training starts with a game of cards.

"Not so fast, little kid," I said to him. Then he struggled and gave up when he noticed that I was not bulging.

He looked at me as if he wanted to cry, "Will you take me to the guards? Please don't… beautiful lady, don't do that… I have so many brothers and little sisters to feed, I just wanted something to give to them."

"No, I will not take you to the guards," I smiled, and a vicious glint appeared in my eyes. "I have a better idea."

And before anything else could happen, the little boy became my assistant. What little brothers and sisters, he was a loner with a loner life, just like the rest of the kids in the orphanage of the little town of Eisen.

I gave him food, clothes, a place to rest, and what I like to call, a purpose in life. This way he will learn the magician skill, he will hon the handicraft behind the illusion's principle and, of course, he will have the opportunity to attend to my necessities, clean, wash, cook, and so on.