
"What is happening to her?"

The good-looking father of Jane asked a man in white robes and long bear. I guessed he was a medic, a good one should I say.

"She is weak and will not live further, I am sorry my lord," he bowed his head.

However, his words only made the beautiful woman cry in sadness trying to caress the head of poor Jane.

"What can we do, Ethan?"

The trembling voice of the woman almost shattered my heart. Somehow, it felt so familiar, as if she were the one who gave birth to me. Maybe because Jane's soul is still close to me. That must be.

"We…" the man looked at his wife with saddening eyes as the baby in his arms fought to breathe in this painful world.

The medic and the maids went back and closed the room when the man signaled them with his eyes. Such an authoritative man.

"We… should give her the best of us, my dear, even if it is only for a few hours."

She cried as she reclined her head on the man's shoulder. The little baby was still struggling and crying softly as if it was the most difficult task she was asked to do. The little one wanted her life to continue, she wanted so much.

Then as the sudden answer of a wishing star, someone entered the room.

"Who?" the handsome man stood and looked at the one with a long cape covering his body.

"Hope," he said in a familiar tone. So familiar that my hands were now making some strange fists, though, I didn't feel my body. How is that?

"What are you talking about?"

"You want your daughter to live, don't you, Count?"

"What are you…?"

"There is no time, do you want it or not?"

"Yes," the woman in the bed answered without hesitation. The desperate look and the anxiousness in her heart were difficult to hide. "Yes, what do we do?"

"Elisa…!" the man tried to stop her from talking further. I would do the same, though. The man in that mysterious cape was no one who can be trusted easily. He was a sly cunning old man that liked to steal people's machines and inventions.

"Who are you? Why did you appear here?"

"There is no time to explain, will you give up your daughter's life for a stupid chat? If you do, I have no time to waste."

This old man is as rude as I remember, however, I can't hate him that much. Did he help poor Jane?

"Please, tell us what do you want?" The woman tried to sit in her bed though she was still weak and trembling from the childbirth.

"Wait three days," he said and took out a strange, not that unfamiliar sphere of blue light. Wait… that is…? "Then feed this to her, it will melt at the touch of her mouth."

"What is this?" The handsome man asked.


The old man in his mysterious cape disappeared in a puff of air, almost the same as when he appeared before me at that time.

That moment confused me. However, the spiral of memories didn't let me dwell inside that much when another scene appeared before my eyes.


Fire and screams around the same room the baby Jane was before with her parents. This time, her hair was a bit longer and her eyes had turned red as blood.

"Take her!"

I hear the screams shout and people trying to open the door, however, a little boy that came from a secret tunnel of the back of the bed took the baby with him and left. Then three men entered, they had strange symbols tattooed on their faces and were wearing long black capes.

"Look around!"

"She is not here!"

They were revolting every part of the room as they carried the torched.

"Burn the castle down!"

"What about the Count and the Countess?"

One of the men with a bald head said to his friend, with another bald head but with two stars symbols on his forehead.

"We will take them," he smirked, "if she manages to stay alive, then… she will come for them."

"How can you be so sure? She is just a baby," that was what I wanted to know.

The man didn't answer but left the room. The other two hurried to set everything on fire and the once beautiful castle was now facing a dusty fate. So this was the beginning of baby Jane's destiny. But… who was the child? Where did he take her?

I tried to open the path he did or pass through it as the ghost I was but I couldn't, only the fire engulfed me and the vision changed again to the moment I woke up into this world. Or more like, when Jane was still suffering in the hands of those three creeps.

She was dragged into a semi-conscious state, the hits, the pain was making her cry, but then she closed her eyes and smiled.

"Welcome back," she said and then looked at me. This is strange.

"Can you see me?"

If she answers back I will creep out and enter the famous panic state.

"Yes," she smiled again.

Panic! A ghost can enter panic mode.

"Jane," she said to me.

"I am not Jane," I answered back.

However, she smiled and the whip that ended her life landed on her body and making me join her body in a strange mix-up of memories and images. Then I understood.