True form

We reached a small town on the side of the road to spend the night. Simple place again, some farms and a simple inn.

"I am so tired," the little squirrels were tired too. After what had happened back in Corn Town and the Auction House, we needed to rest and eat and find our inner peace. If I could, I would heal all of us, but for now, my magic hadn't recovered enough.

"Master, where are we going?"

Tommy was jumping in the bed while Lily was preparing some tea. That little cutie girl was the only one worthy of this group. So caring and pretty. Aw. I will buy her hundreds of dresses when we reach that place.

"Is it a new town? Where it is? Why are we going there? Master?"

This little boy has a lot of energy. He is jumping so high and the bed moved with every leap. Will he fall? Will he cry if he falls? Should I make him fall to see what happens? No, I can be that cruel with him. Even if he is annoying and doesn't let me sleep.

"Master? Who are the ones we are going to meet? Are we stealing from them too?"

I will transform this boy into a turtle, the spell, which was the spell? Dammit! I don't remember. I need more power to conjure without using the spells. I should look into my books, but they were inside my space bag that it's hidden in my soul. I don't have enough power to reach them yet.

I can feel it, it is incomplete... my magic is incomplete, those stones were not enough. Where are the rest? Who has them? Dammit!


"Tommy," I took him from the arms and put him down, away from my bed, "do you want to know the feeling of being a rock?"

"Wh... what?"

"Yes, that motionless thing that lives in... oh... it doesn't live, it is a rock, do you want to feel it?"

He was scared. His pale face told me that I had successfully managed to...

"Can I be a cat? What about a dog? Or a lion... no... maybe an eagle... Master..."

Goodness, I am having a headache again.

"Master, what are we going to do with the man?"

Matty had returned to the room with some bread and cheese and even some milk. Where did he get all that? This place will only give us this tiny room with a few commodities and all of that for three golds. It wasn't worth it. Though I didn't care, it was this or the smelly and cold barn.

"Him..." the man was the driver of the cart, "I guess we can leave him here with some golds too. At least, we should pay him for the free ride, wait... it was free, hahaha."

"..." Matty again looked at me as if he was watching some lunatic. "Shouldn't we take him with us?"


"Do you know where are we going?"

"..." I took out my map, "of course I know where are we going."


"Dorsen," I answered but I didn't know why my aura suddenly turned grave, dark. That word was taboo in my language, Jane's language, as it was the place where her nightmare began.

I should calm down. Breath Jane, breath. "The County of Dorsen to meet the family, boys."

I smiled but the three children only stepped back with Matty on the front and the two others with their eyes shaking in fear. What the...?

"Master," Matty spoke with a bit of a trembling lip and a gulp. "Why are... are your eyes turning... red?"

"Oh... really?"

I looked at myself in the reflection of the window, it was true, my eyes had turned red and some veins were accompanying it. The image was kind of interesting, impressive and powerful, like a little demon who entered the body of a beautiful girl. I am possessed. hahaha...


"It is alright, my dears, this is the true color of my eyes."


"How come you didn't notice?"

Oh right, they were inside my bag that time. Well, now that they know, they should see the complete form of this mighty queen, right?

"In fact," I changed to my original looks, the long silver hair, the still red-colored eyes, and the refined features on the face. I didn't change the form of my body. Though from the time I escaped that hell of a place when I arrived at this world, I think I gained some weight and a bit more muscles.

Unexpectedly, Lily was the first one to come over to me, her eyes were shining with a strange glint. "Ma... Master, are you a fairy?"

I smiled and I was about to say yes, but that will be too much of a lie.

"I am not, I am a magician."

"But... but you are beautiful..."

"I always was, didn't you notice?"

I had to use my past face to stop disgusting men trying to get into my pants when working in the tavern. Though most of the time they were already looking at me, some of them even winking with their little drunk eyes. I would only send them into a deep sleep and then play with Kian at night.

"But..." Tommy stepped forward too with a red face, "but... you look more beautiful that way."

This little boy was being shy, finally! At least, now I know how to stop him from jumping, shouting, laughing like a maniac, and being annoying.

"Why did you hide it?"

Matty looked at me the same as always, tch, I can't impress him with anything.

"Is it not obvious?"

He frowned. This face of mine will cause me a lot of problems if other people looked at me. Jane had already a harsh life because of it, she was considered a demon or the daughter of a witch. Those stupid people. The so many times she was bullied by that family and their people can give anyone a desire to get revenge. I will though.

"Well then..." I turned back to my old self, "we should go to sleep for a few hours, the road and the path are long long long... we should take the man with us..."

"..." Matty rolled his eyes.

"He... he will be our driver."


He knew it.