An Alternative Hypothesis

Michael's POV

The moment I noticed Cassie's eyes open a wave of relief washed over me. I have lost enough people to not let incidents like this bother me, yet somehow I failed to maintain my calm. Even if Sofosys said that Cassie will wake up, I couldn't entirely trust his words until she finally did. When that petry...thingy started to wail I panicked even further. It is some sort of mystical creature right? I couldn't help but worry that what if it detected an upcoming demise. That thought alone scared me beyond anything.

"Cassie?" I breathe out. " Are you alright! Oh thank God you are breathing, I thought you would die!" I had a sudden urge to hug her for the fear of losing her. I controlled my urge and .turned to Sofosys to ask him, " said she'll be incapacitated for a few hours." 

"So, should it be." Sofosys replied, confused, "even with the full range of Cassadrei's powers, she shouldn't get well so soon."

""Well?" I urge him to speak further. Why did he stop in the middle of explanation? "What happened then?"

"I assume it's all thanks to the mighty cry of the petrywinkler." He smiled. "The arrival of this creature is indeed a blessing in disguise." I took a moment to glance at the said creature. Nope, still couldn't stand those red glowing eyes in a puppy. While my mind somewhat agreed with Sofosyss, my instincts screamed at me to get away from it. 

My attention was brought back to the moment when Cassie said, "Did they find out I am here? Are they trying to kill me? First that incident in Carnival, now this?"

"Possible, but…" Sofosys once more trailed off. I was honestly running out of patience, but I didn't want to interrupt his flow, so I remained quiet. "I believe they knew about you being here for a long time. We aren't exactly hiding here".

"Then why would they attack me now"? Cassie questioned.

"That is something I am trying to figure out", Sofosys pondered. "Maybe it has something to do with you". He turned around and looked at me. My eyes widened at his finger that pointed at me. I was the type of guy who tried to avoid every major hassle, and here I am in the middle of some goblin mess.

"Me"? I couldn't help but ask skeptically. "But why?"

"I believe they somehow figured out that Mr Dumas is your key, and that you might be gaining back your powers. Your return to Maefelhore is a threat to the army of Arpholeus." Sofosys explained.

"Well, I guess I have to be more careful from now on," Cassie breathed.

As I witnessed their conversation, a sudden doubt started to build up on me, so I asked, "If they know I am her key, don't they know about her healing powers"? 

"They do," Sofosys clarified, "As a matter of fact we are known for our ability to heal".

"Then why attack her when they know she will heal?" I ask.

He thought for a moment, "Perhaps a warning"? 

"For what?" I frown.

"That they are onto us." He sighed. "Maybe they are trying to exterminate Cassie before she regains full of her abilities. Maybe they assumed that without her full powers she will succumb to the effects of the poison of Fjery Leaves". Sofosys explained.

"I need to get my powers back." Cassie mumbled. "Help me practice twice as hard" She looked at me with determination and ordered me. While her tone annoyed me, I got where she was coming from. She wanted to fight back for whatever was after her and I supported that decision.

"What do you want me to do?" I ask her.

"Be next to me" She ordered. "That will ensure your safety too". I raised my eyebrows and shook my head at her. Ensure my safety? Wasn't she the reason I am part of this mess? And what the hell is wrong with me? Why am I tolerating all this? Why am I not running away from all this to lead my peaceful life? Maybe I should visit a doctor.

"I must ask though, what kind of beverage did you have"? Sofosys asked me.

I frowned, "None".

"That's odd. The poison of Fjery Leaves is usually a mixture that retains its properties best in a cold liquid or perhaps… a cold beverage." He mumbled.

"Actually I drank coke. He is some health freak so I drank his share too" Cassie shrugged while I gave her a dirty look. Health freak? More like I like to take care of myself, thank you.

"What did you say"? Sofosys froze. Both me and Cassie glanced at each other, mirroring the confusion on each other's face. "She had your half"?

"Yeah…" I trailed off. 

"So there is a chance it could have been you who took the poison?" He paled. I nodded as the realisation hit me. Cassie survived the poison, but sofosys was right, I wouldn't have. My breathing hitched as the fear of dying hit me. My life was crap, and it didn't get any better, but I still wanted to live.

"What if I drank it?" I whisper.

"I do have an alternate hypothesis," Sofosys paused. "I believe it was you who was the target of that poison". 

"Me"? My voice raised by a few decibels. "Whe me? What did I do?"

"You are the Key, Mr Dumas. Your death will not only ensure Cassandrei is stuck here, but also ensure she shall never regain her powers". He explained. His explanation did not make me feel any better. A few weeks ago I was perfectly fine, then I tried to save one person in an accident and now I am a target of some assasination? When did my life get so complicated? I sighed.