I held my breath, like everyone else, waiting for the announcement. A few people leaned over the railings, trying to catch a glimpse of the paper that sealed Magnus' fate, but obviously their efforts went in vain.
The robe clad Mafhaelorian soldier's face was impassive as she called out in a crystal clear voice, "ASHPHOIEDE"
The announcement was greeted with an uproar from the general audience. Young women who had come to cheer Magnus, burst out in tears and hugged each other, chivalrous gentlemen offered them a handkerchief to wipe their tears and everyone shouted at the injustice of it all. I realized, that I had been gripping the end of my chair with unusual force, and my fingers were reddened by the impact. On glancing sideways, I could see a tiny smile on my Mother's face. Did she really want Magnus to die that badly?
It was common knowledge that no Goblin that had ever fought an Ashphoiede survived. They were one of the most dangerous creatures, notorious for their swift speed and agility. They could leap as high as a tall building and they used magic to guard themselves against any potential blow from a human defendant. It was nearly impossible to defeat an Ashphoiede, in an open combat.
Magnus, however, remained unperturbed by his sorry fate. He stood stoically still and awaited the entry of the creature. A few people shouted for the match to be cancelled, it would not look good if we retaliated the peace proposal of Arphoelus with the death of their beloved General.
"Do you want to fight some other creature?" The robe clad Goblins suggested, clearly sensing the political implications of this duel.
"No, thanks. I won't accept any special privileges because I am an outsider." Magnus replied, his expression revealing no fear.
"We cannot let you fight an Ashphoiede." My Father's voice surprised me, " it's almost impossible to defeat one, and if you get killed...the repercussions for our country will be too much to bear. You are the only hope we have of forging a peace treaty between Arphoelus and Mafhaelore."
"Don't worry." Magnus said in his calm voice, tying his slick ponytail tighter, "even if something happens to me, the treaty stands. I give you my word."
"What is the value of the word of a dead man?" My mother's cold voice pierced the air.
"Arphoelus never makes false promises. If you want, I will sign a treaty right now, declaring that my decision to fight this creature is mine alone, and whatever happens to me hereafter is my own responsibility. Or, you can try and put some trust in your future allies." Magnus replied in an equally stony voice.
"So be it. If you wish to chance upon your death, I will not forbide you. However, we shall take no responsibility for any of this, as witnessed by your own Arphoelian soldiers." Mother commanded.
"I assure you." Magnus replied.
The audience waited with bated breaths as the robe clad Goblins went back to their podium, waiting for the fight to begin. I wanted to shout and stop Magnus from committing such a foolish task, we couldn't possibly stand and watch a man die. A man who is a guest on our lands, isn't it our duty to protect him? However, I sat motionless, cowardice winning over idealism, hoping against hope for Magnus' victory.
The Ashphoiede emerged from the engulfing mist that had gathered at the corner. It's a huge creature, greyish black in colour with milky white eyes and had tentacles in the place of it's limbs. It made a hissing sound as it emerged out of the self-created mists, approaching Magnus menacingly.
I closed my eyes in apprehension, but Mother nudged me at my ribs, forcing me to open my eyes and witness a massacre.
The Ashphoiede prowled it's tentacles and smacked them on the ground near Magnus, who dodged effortlessly. He had his swords out in no time and as the Ashphoiede continued to fling it's tentacles onto Magnus, he dodged each attack easily.
The creation was growing restless now, it jumped violently and in the flash of an eye, it's tentacles had grasped Magnus tightly.
He tried hard to pull himself apart, but to no avail. The audience grew restless, but there's nothing to be done. The Ashphoiede let out an eerie growl and tried to approach the tentacle ensheathing Magnus towards it's mouth.
Suddenly, Magnus was free of the deadly tentacles grip, as if by a miracle….but I could see his swordpoint that he had managed to stick onto the end of the tentacles and wrung himself free. The Ashphoiede howled, it's injured tentacle bleeding and it immediately healed itself. Magnus had his fair share of injuries by then, and he was positively panting. How long could he last in this state?
Magnus dodged a few of the tentacle attacks further and attacked the foot of the giant creature. The Ashphoiede retaliated by a violent swing of its tentacles, throwing Magnus a few feet apart.
Magnus' head was cut, and bleeding profusely, yet he managed to somehow get up. His eyes were dropping down, but he stumbled onto his feet and eyed the Ashphoiede wearily. The mighty creature hardly bore any bruise.
The Ashphoiede turned his back onto Magnus, obviously bored by his incompetency and looked at the crowds menacingly. Magnus seized the opportunity and with a surreal jump, lodged himself on the creature's back.
There was a collective gasp from the audience, and I realised that I was holding my breath. Without any further delay, Magnus struck the end of his sword on the creature's back.
The creature made an unworldly sound, swayed to one side and fell with a mighty clang. An eardrum piercing cheer resounded from the audience, many of whom threatened to fall from the galleries in their excitement.
"But...but how? How did he kill an Ashphoiede?" I gasped.
"Clever guy." My mother couldn't suppress her admiration as she spoke, "he used a poisoned blade and struck the Ashphoiede in the cervical vertebrae, the weakest point of the creature. The combination was deadly. Not many could have known of this technique."
I sat stupefied and watched Magnus, who was basking in the glory of his astounding victory. He looked in my direction, a playful smile upon his face.
"Now, the victor shall approach the podium to be honoured by the Queen Majesty." The robe clad Goblins announced.
Magnus walked towards the podium, his limp prominent now, the side of his head bearing a terrible gash that bled profusely, covering half his face in red.
"You look terrible! You should see a physician as soon as possible." I remarked with agitation.
"Don't worry Princess, it's nothing but a trivial wound." Magnus tried to smiled a bit too broadly, but winced in pain immediately.
"Why do you Soldiers always have to behave so chivalrously just because you are in front of a woman? You are supposed to feel pain too, and there's no shame in being honest about it." I retorted.
Magnus simply looked confused, then, conveniently ignoring me, he received his medal of honour.
And then, Before turning his back, he suddenly came close, and whispered, "And how shall I impress a pretty Princess, if I am not a tad bit chivalrous?"