Cassadrei's POV
We caught sight of the Island when it was nearly dawn. The sky had changed colour from purple to a blushing red and was metamorphosing into a brilliant orange now. Beside me, Michael slept soundly, his intermittent snoring interrupted the perfect calm all around. Jake was looking at the distance, in a contemplative mood and he hadn't spoken much since Linda's death. Sofosys looked at me and pointed in the distance, where the island came into view.
"It appears vacant...are you sure that those people are still living there?" I asked skeptically, "also, isn't the island supposed to be invisible?"
Sofosys nodded his head and replied, "It seems that you have got my meaning wrong, by invisible I meant it appears to be deserted. I didn't mean that no one can see the island, but on seeing it appears that the island is uninhabited. The people on it are invisible."
I gasped, "But then, how shall we contact them?"