Victoria's POV:
Just like everyday I was headed for the kitchens when I stumbled upon the Majesty herself, "Dear Victoria, I was hoping if you can show us to the cell today? We plan to meet Magnus ourselves", She asked.
"Sure… I will go there after like half an hour and I can take you there then." I nodded at her with as much respect as I could gather. It was still hard to treat someone as a queen, I never really felt the need to be respectful and loyal to someone so much so that I never questioned them and followed them blindly. That was one thing Magnus failed to teach me after all these years.
"Very well then, I'll meet you by the harbour afterwards" She instructed before she walked away. I looked at her back as she headed off to her chamber. I always knew I had a knack for judging people, and somehow this woman made me anxious.