
Victoria's POV

No matter what, I failed to see the queen's perspective. When I asked Cassie about her mother, she seemed to idolise her. After failing to understand her, I decided to get her perspective, "Did you ever lose a family member?"

"My aunt died. A year before I was banished here, my father was very sad, and frankly so was I" Cassie replied to me.

"I am sorry to hear that" I pursed my lips, " What about your mother's side?" I had to clarify.

"No one that I remember. My mother ascended to the throne after my grandmother, so she is dead. But she died long before I was born". She replied.

"Does your mother have any sisters"? I had asked her. 

"Not that I know of. She was an only child, and very treasured, just like me" She sighed. "Why are you asking me about my mother all of a sudden"? She narrowed her gaze at me.