The Future is Uncertain

Jake's POV

"Where are those two?" Maland asked me in the middle of our sword practice. "Victoria and Mike? Weren't they supposed to fight with us?"

"I...I dunno. I barely saw them these past few days" I shrugged.

"Huh, they need to keep up with the practice though, Mike is far behind you though" Maland said after withdrawing the sword.

"Well, I had a head start. I have learned fencing." I shrugged.

"Nevertheless, he needs more training". Maland huffed. "If Victoria won't teach him, I will."

"Come on, he is going through a tough time." I raised my voice. "You know what, why don't we take a break for a while too? We have literally been practicing everyday… It feels monotonous. Let's take a break shall we".

"A warrior must continue even fatigued," Maland declared.