What's the simplest life that you can imagine for a guy who has just moved to a large University town? Sleeping, eating, library, classes, repeat. I had hardly any time for other activities, such as mingling with friends, drinking or partying. Long ago, my mother had instilled in my head that those were "bad influences" and I better watch out for them. I intend to follow her word for word, I wish to pass my MCATs with flying colours and become a surgeon as I had dreamt.
I had little time for anything else.
Except, I am not a simple guy whose only ambitions are confined to passing the MCATs. I am not the friendless guy who abhorres company, and who would give anything to stay out of people's way. I am not the guy whose life is as simple as it seems, because I am much more than that. I had seen the alternate reality, and I am a semi-Goblin.