It helped

When the next day had come, I opened my eyes, and while I looked around, I could see at a first unknown place. While seeing it, I remembered that I had come with Megan here, as it is one house which her family own. As I wanted to look at Megan's sleeping face, I turned my head. And she wasn't there. 

"Oh," only escaped from my mouths, and when I wanted to get up, I could see that she walked inside. As I saw her, closed my eyes to let them be open in half, and I could see that she is wearing only her underwear. 

'Once again,' I said to myself, and then I closed them, to not see her changing. After I had done this, I could feel that she lay on the bed. While don't know what will happen next, she hugged me, and I could hear, "Joe, I love you so much."

As she was repeating these words to my ear, I said, "I love you too."