Are you jealous?

As we were driving for some time, I could see that traffic jam hit us once again, but as the driver went on side routes. Thanks to it, we missed the biggest one. After coming to the airport, I looked at Megan, and when we come out, she said: "We have around half of an hour before the plane will be ready."

"Oh, OK," I said, and when she comes closer to me, she added, "but let's go inside."

"Oh, what you have in mind?" I asked while looking at her smile. 

"Oh, break into the café, and then we can pass all checking," she said, and when I nodded, while hearing her words, I grabbed most of the bags, and then I followed her. When I was walking after her, we had come to the café, which was there, and after I took one place, she ordered drinks. After this, she comes back, and as she looked around, she added: "so now waiting. Oh, and something sweet is there too. I hope you will like it."