Gym without you

As I was lying like that for some time, I started feeling cold on my knee. When I looked at it, I only shake my head, and after doing it, I moved it better, and when I looked around, I somehow grabbed the controller. After having it in my hand, I started TV, and then I started watching while almost immediately muted. 

When I looked at the news, I looked at what was happening there. As I looked at it, I could see that the Christmas rush had come, and many people stormed malls and shopping. When I looked at it, only a smile show up on my face while having hopes that between Christmas and New Year's Eve, fewer people will be there. 

When I keep watching, I could feel that bag on my knee started becoming more and more liquid. As I looked at it, I shake my head, and after moving it down a little, I keep watching. As I could see at one point in business news, I observed it as news about the CDN party come.