Go there today

Only a few minutes of being alone had passed, and then I could see that Joe was moved, into the room. When I looked at him, a smile show up on my face, and then I asked, "how."

"Sleeping," the nurse said. After hearing her words, I nodded and then three more people come, and with her, they moved Joe to bed. While seeing it, I looked at them until they walked away. While seeing it, I got up and then walked closer to him. Before I could touch his hand, Marcus' voice come, "don't touch."

"OK," I said while stopping the hand in mid-air, and when he came closer, he said, "so I will check how it is going."

"OK," I said, and when I got up, I walked to the bathroom. After being there, I have done all that I ended and then comebacks slowly back. While seeing Marcus waiting for me, he said, "all good."