Out of the city

As I was working for some time, I could feel a little hungry. While knowing it, I could on shook my head, and then I walked slowly to the elevator. After coming to the floor where the canteen was, I looked at the small queue, and when I waited in it, my time had come. While seeing it, I made an order from which had left, and when I waited after paying for a short time my food had come. While seeing it, I grabbed it, and then I walked to eat what had come. 

Peacefully time passed as I was enjoying my lunch. After ending it, I looked around, and as everyone was quiet, especially as I was there, I looked at him or her, and when I put all in place, I come to an elevator. As I was waiting, the elevator had finally come. Before I come inside, I could see that one director looking at me, and then he said, "Boss, you are here."