The Mafia King's surprise for Lihua!

Wei stared at her unblinkingly, eyeing from top to bottom. The violet dress perfectly accentuated her slim and slender features. She tied her hair into a neat bun with a lock of curled hair dangling on her left cheek. The crimson lipstick on her lips gave an amazing contrast to her violet dress. She had put on light makeup that didn't look too showy and bright.

Wei walked up to her in a trance. He relished her beautiful sight once again. A gulp passed down his throat. Lihua straightened up. "Boss I am ready-"

Suddenly, she was unable to speak as Wei held her cheek. His penetrating stare made her quiver and her eyelashes fluttered. "You look beautiful," he whispered.

Lihua's smile faltered. "Thank you."

Tonight is your engagement ceremony. I have to look my best even if it hurts me.

Wei had an urge to kiss her red and inviting lips, but he held himself. He took a deep breath to calm his desire. "Shall we go?"