The Mafia King exposes Xia Nuan

Where Lihua was dealing with Jiang Fai's problem in his college, a certain Mafia King had to deal with his own problem too.

That was…

The undercover agent, Xia Nuan, was working in the kitchen along with some other maids when two guards, dressed in pitch black uniform, stepped in. Their faces had no sign of any expression.

"All the maids and butlers are to come with us right now."

The maids glanced at each other, taken aback.

The head maid came forward and asked, "Excuse me. Can I ask what has happened?

"The Boss wants to meet all the staff members right now. Orders," the guard on the left sternly said. "No excuses."

The maids gulped and wondered if anybody made a mistake for the Boss to personally call the whole staff.

Xia Nuan narrowed her eyes.

What must have happened?

The staff was taken to the base where the butlers and maids were lined up. The whole place was dark and reeking of danger. They felt shivers run down their spine, and they trembled.