Escape from the evil doctor!

"How dare you three embarrass me like that?" Li Tingzhe's fuse blew up in anger. He never imagined that he would lose his face like this.

Jiang Fai smirked. "Now what will you say, Mr. Li, the cheater? Weren't you questioning how Mom raised me? What about your bitch mistress? Wow. She is teaching her kids to cheat, lie and shamelessly frame an innocent person."

Lihua proudly grinned.

Li Tingzhe's chest heaved up and down, huffing in angry breaths.

The principal shot a stern glare at them. "Mr. Li. I cannot let this slide. Kang Hongqi and Kang Meifen have made serious mistakes that I cannot ignore."

Kang Yuming burst into tears. "No, please! They are only teenagers and so young. Mistakes happen... Please don't be so harsh and give them one chance. They won't do this again…"

Lihua squinted her gaze. "Mistake? They plotted such an elaborate plan to defame Jiang Fai and you say it's just a mistake? If Jiang Fai had done this instead, would you have let it slide?"