Get ready to leave

There was a long beat of silence. As Fu Renshu uttered the number eleven, even Ruomei was shocked. She was confident that Lihua was going to lose. But to think...

The hall resounded with a burst of loud laughter as Kang Hongqi said, "O-OMG! Eleven? Seriously? Only eleven?" He clutched his stomach as he rolled, laughing hard. His ridiculed gaze landed on Jiang Fai.

"I am sorry bro~ I know this is not funny but...eleven? Your pathetic drawings managed to sell eleven copies?"

Kang Meifen sneered. "Bro, I think that that eleven number is also fake. I am sure that nobody bought it, so he just sold them to himself."

Kang Hongqi laughed even more. "Come on, Jiang Fai. If you had to sell it yourself, then at least, you should have sold a hundred copies."

Kang Yuming berated. "Hongqi, Meifen, enough! It's sad that he lost so badly. You shouldn't humiliate him. He is your brother."