Something cooking

At those words, Jiang Weiyuan and Jiang Ninghong slightly narrowed their eyes. Jiang Ruiling's elder brother, Jiang Li, paused his movements and his attention went over to Lihua.

The Old Madam chuckled. "Excuse me? What Jiang Ruiling feels? Why should I ask that?"

"Because she is getting married to Wen Yaoting," Lihua dryly said.

"And I have decided this marriage tie up which will not change," she sharply said.

Lihua challenged her. "Even if I say that Wen Yaoting tried to touch her inappropriately?"

There was complete silence. The atmosphere suddenly turned stagnant.

It was the first time in all this while that Jiang Weiyuan finally spoke, "Explain."

It was just one word, yet its ring was so powerful and carried such deadly pressure that even Lihua was startled.

She cleared her throat. "Well… Wei and I were out for some shopping and by coincidence, we saw Jiang Ruiling and Wen Yaoting in the restaurant."

Of course, she wouldn't admit that they were out to spy on them.